Study Group on Asia-Pacific Tax Administration and Research


New resolutions adopted at 45th SGATAR Annual Meeting

A number of key decisions were made by the Heads of Delegation during the 3-day Meeting held in Singapore from 24 to 26 November 2015. These included: The adoption of an formal operating framework; The reorganisation of training programmes into a single and cohesive platform; The instituting of an annual work programme for SGATAR; The […]


A number of key decisions were made by the Heads of Delegation during the 3-day Meeting held in Singapore from 24 to 26 November 2015. These included:

  1. The adoption of an formal operating framework;
  2. The reorganisation of training programmes into a single and cohesive platform;
  3. The instituting of an annual work programme for SGATAR;
  4. The set-up of a permanent SGATAR website.